The BridgeSorter is an extremely fast and reliable machine that sorts bridge- sized cards (also large indices). The Mk IV takes the duplication experience to the next level and leads the way into the next generation.
Some highlights:
- You can use your phone or tablet to run the machine. No need for a computer.
- Multilingual user interface!
- The machine sets up a network. You can alternatively connect via an existing network.
Swedish engineering, Dutch manufacturer, and the best components available ensure long life reliability.
In summary you get:
- An extremely fast and reliable machine tha tsorts all kinds of bridge sized cards.
- Everything from deal generation to nice hand rcords is made by the machine.
- Use any phone, tablet or computer, to communicate your wishes to the machine.
- Multilingual user interface.
- Automatic board no. recognition ensures that the boards are in order. (Two sets of board stickers 1-36 included with the machine)
- Generous 5 year warranty and a unique 12 months customer satisfaction guarantee.
A unique function that makes it possible to teach the machine how to read almost any card design.
Sturdy carrying case included, making transport easy and safe.
Instant built-in help and 24/7 support.
Watch a promo video here
Watch a quick set up video here
We welcome you to buy cards for $1.40/deck.
Bridgesorter IV
12 months satisfaction guarantee
12 months complimentary service
5 (!) years standard warranty.